Repacking Hubs
(Redirected from Repack the Hub)
Step 1: Wheel Removal
- Remove the Wheel
- Remove the Nuts or the Skewer
Step 2: Using the vice

Put new grease in

Insert new bearings
- Place the Axle Vice in the Bench Vice
- Find appropriate cone wrenches for both cone and lock nut.
- On a rear wheel break lose cone from lock nut on non-drive side. On a front wheel do which ever side.
- Remove lock nut any washers or spacers and then cone nut. Keep parts in the order they where removed.
- Slide axle out of hub.
- Remove dustcaps if they will come out easily if not leave them in.
- Remove bearings, magnets work great for this. Save on a clean rag.
- Clean cups cones and bearings. This may require the aid of some degreaser if grease is old and hard.