Davis Bike Collective

From Bike Collectives Wiki
(Redirected from The Davis Bike Church)
Davis Bike Collective
Website http://www.davisbikecollective.org/
Email theministry@davisbikecollective.org
Founded 2004
Location Davis, California, United States
Services Offered
Mission Statement "Without limiting the generality of the foregoing general purpose, the specific purposes of this Corporation are to: (1) provide the community a low-cost resource that provides the knowledge and tools necessary to maintain, repair, and safely operate their various forms of human-powered transportation, (2) promote personal and community empowerment through education, (3) create a space to promote sustainable practices including recycling, maintenance, and repair."
Phone 530-341-8322

Davis Bike Collective is ...

Contact Info

1221 1/2 4th Street
(at the corners of 4th and L Streets)
Davis, California


Originally founded in 2004 as "Davis Bike Church" at the UC Davis Domes location.

Services Offered