Web Development

From Bike Collectives Wiki
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There are two websites which are owned by bike collectives:


Getting involved

Interested in helping out? If you are a developer or designer, we absolutely can use your help. If you are not, yes, there's a lot of other help that we can use.


We have a very small development community, we are primarily looking for developers who will collaborate but are also self driven. We also aim to support emerging developers and UX designers by creating opportunities where you can build the skills you need and provide the guidance from folks who have been doing this work for many years. Currently, we lack the infrastructure and volume of volunteers to truly achieve this vision, nevertheless, please feel free to reach out and talk to us about opportunities.


We can use your help, no matter what your skill set might be:

  • UX design
  • Translation
  • Copy writing - or just improvement suggestions for the copy on the site
  • Photography - we need photos of bike collectives, and most importantly, people representative of our communities, using our collectives
  • Feature requests and feedback - let us know how we could make things better
  • Any other way you think you could lend a hand

Contact Godwin at goodgodwin _at_ hotmail _dot_ com.