1 row is stored for this page
Field | Field type | Value |
name | String | FTWN-B group ( femme, transgender, women, and non-binary) / Grupo femme, transgénero, mujeres, y no-binarixs |
zoom | URL | https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83296565321?pwd=cTBueUdaMnBOSlZTZE1SUmlGL0liZz09 |
zoomid | String | 832 9656 5321 |
zoompw | String | 123456 |
presenter | String | |
tech | String | Christine |
interpreter | String | Nat + raquel |
description | String | ABOUT THE WORKSHOP NAME
copied from https://radicaladventureriders.com/faq
What does FTWN-B mean?
FTWN-B is shorthand for femme, transgender, women, and non-binary. We acknowledge that letters and labels only go so far and that, above all, we seek to respect whatever words people use to descri |
time | Datetime | -0001-11-30 12:00:00 AM |