Whare bike

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whare bike
Website http://wharebike.org/
Email wharebike@gmail.com
Founded 2013
Location whangarei, aotearoa / new zealand
Services Offered
Mission Statement whangarei's open cycle space

Whare bike liberates bicycles from garages and sheds throughout northland, and provides an open space where people may come to bring these marvels back to life and empower themselves. reaching out to those who need it most, our space has been formed through donations of materials and time by a diverse community of supporters, with most open nights seeing at least a couple of happy new riders taking to the streets and the hills and the stars.

where we are

1 woods road, whangarei [corner woods road and railway road]


4-9pm every thursday





our history

we are a nascent power in whangarei, a small city of 50,000, who have arisen through experiences with the wonderful bicycle spaces of wien, austria; the actions of a dedicated local cycling community; and the willingness of people throughout the city to engage with, and embrace our presence.

we occupy an otherwise unused warehouse space which also houses the local circus jam crew; a wholefood hub; cuddle cinema; workshop spaces; growing library; and community garden.

what we do

donated bicycles are available to be repaired and appropriated

mechanical advice is given enthusiastically

all manner of parts stock our shelves

food is donated by our top local vegetarian cooking extraordinaires, gopals

cycling films are shown on our huge-screen, miniature-tier cinema

we take our talk bike, tandems, enchanted forest rickshaw, soundsystem trailer, and other joy giving devices, to community events and theatre shows

host whangarei's sunset cruise / critical mass

hold monthly bikers breakfasts

organise council submissions

provide an open space for all manner of wheeled migrants and vagrants