Brookings Community Bicycle Collective

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Bike co op clean.jpg

The mission of the Brookings Community Bicycle Collective is to promote the use and appeal of bicycles within the Brookings area as a sensible and sustainable mode of transportation and recreation. With bicycle recycling as its primary function, the collective will pursue its mission through collaborative education, as a multi-faceted community service, and by providing affordable and personable means by which to render bicycling a more accessible activity.

Where to Find Us

Entrance located in alleyway directly in back of Cottonwood Coffee, downtown Brookings.
details on google maps
Wednesday, Thursday: 6:00-8:00pm
Saturday: 12:00-4:00pm
Volunteer oportunities every Tuesday from 6:00-8:00pm or during any of our hours of operation.


Homepage|Group on Facebook|Blog
Phone: 605-690-5362
Or just walk on in during shop hours.

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