Bike Farm Handbook
Volunteer Handbook
or: “how to bike farm”
last updated June 2015
Purpose: This document serves the purpose of informing new and present volunteers of Bike Farm about the guidelines and procedures for running the shop. It exists to keep Bike Farm operational even while its volunteer base changes.
Get in contact with Bike Farm: 1810 NE First Avenue Portland, Oregon 97212 (971) 533-7428 (voicemail only) Sign up for our newsletter!
Mission and Core Values
What is Bike Farm? Bike Farm is an all volunteer-run collective dedicated to every aspect of bicycle education, from safe commuting to repair. It's a place to learn how to fix your bike. Mission Bike Farm aims to provide a space where people can learn about the bicycle and build community around promoting sustainable transportation. We strive to demystify the bike in order to impact the city in a healthy and positive way. Safer Space Agreement Bike Farm is a cooperative space that is accepting and inclusive of every race, economic class, religion, nationality, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, ability, etc.
If anyone notices any intimidating, discriminating or disrespectful behavior, volunteers should try to resolve the matter through direct and open discussion. If the person persists in this behavior, a volunteer will ask them to leave the shop until further notice.
Balancing personalities is hard, do your best. We are all learning together.
Bike farm was founded in the fall of 2007. The Bike Church of Santa Cruz, CA served as the model around which Bike Farm is now based upon. In the early years, Bike Farm focused on developing its structure and process while maintaining a small retail space on Wygant and Garfield. We wrote a mission statement to reflect our goals, a Safer Space Agreement, Operation Manual, and worked towards financial stability. We developed an Open shop night, where Bike Farm stand time is free for the evening, a yearly Bike Swap with the group Franken Bikes, as well as Women and Trans night.
Our main focus has always been to help people learn how to fix their bikes, providing them access to tools 5 days a week. We have also branched out of our space to attend and volunteer wrench for many bicycle advocacy events including Sunday Parkways, Safe Routes to School, Fix it Fairs, and the Bike fair.
After 5 years at the Wygant space, we decided to move into a much larger warehouse. The challenge of fundraising, moving and coordinating the build out of such a large space united the group and engaged many to step up to leadership roles. In August 2013, we moved from Wygant to 1st and Schuyler by bike! Since we have so much more space, we’ve been able to broaden our community involvement. In 2014, we hosted Bike Craft and a Repair Cafe. In 2015, we hosted Cycle Femme.
Shift Roles
During shifts, Bike Farm volunteers fill different roles in the shop. The shop aims to have two mechanics/teachers and one greeter at every Bike Farm shift. Mechanics guide people through fixing their own bikes. Greeters orient new patrons, log transactions, and process new donations.
Patrons are Bike Farm's first priority during shop hours. They take precedence for stands, tools, and our time. Building bikes and volunteer projects are secondary.
Mechanic / Teacher
Respect Bike Farm's mission: teach people how to work on their own bikes. Mechanics should always help the patron to work on their own bike rather than fix their bike for them.
Q: What if I need to demonstrate something? A: Demonstrate the fix, then undo what you did and and let the patron try!
Sometimes patrons require assistance that is outside our scope of knowledge. Recognize your limits; we don't have to be able to fix every problem.
Some resources for additional knowledge: other volunteers or patrons, mechanic books, the internet.
The Greeter is responsible for introducing patrons to Bike Farm. They explain that we are a DIY space, all volunteer run non-profit, and here to help. They can point out volunteers, so patrons know who to go to with questions. The greeter may also direct the patron to our safer space agreement and mission. The greeter will explain pricing for memberships and stand times, enter sales in the cashbook, and when possible ring up patrons. At Women & Trans Night and at meetings, volunteers introduce themselves with their name and preferred pronoun. For example, “I'm Amanda and I use she and her pronouns.” This can be a helpful practice.
Non-shift Roles
Bike Farm has (or has had) various “coordinators” take responsibility for aspects of operations. These include Volunteer Coordinator and Outreach Coordinator. Some of these roles have also been shared among several people, or rotated among various volunteers.
Bike Farm has two separate monthly food budgets: $60 for general groceries and $40 for meeting food. Each month, usually at the meeting, people volunteer to do the shopping for the next month. As with other purchases for the shop, be sure to get a receipt for your purchases so you can be reimbursed from the cash box.
Shop Groceries: It doesn't have to be fancy. Popular choices include trail mix, chips with salsa and beans, bagels/bread, peanut butter, jam, butter, crackers, dried fruit, and nuts. We have augmented this with food from the Free Porch and by acting as a drop site for the Fruit Explorers CSA (they gave us free fruit).
Meeting Food: Aim to feed 10-15 people, usually. Past meetings have included: chips/bread & dips, chicken (for carnivores) with New Seasons Deli food (for vegetarians), pizza, build-your-own burrito...
Whenever possible, providing options for different cultural and dietary requirements helps a wider range of people feel welcome in the shop and at meetings: vegan, gluten-free, etc.
Shift Operations
Basic Rules for Holding a Shift
Basic Rules: • Uphold the safer space agreement. • Fulfill the mission! • Always keep patrons attended in the shop. • Always have a second volunteer present when the shop is open. • There is no profiting or accepting tips from volunteering or working on someones bike in the shop. It is contrary to our mission and could cause us to lose our non-profit status. • Opening and Closing a Shift
There are Opening and Closing Procedures to help run the shop more smoothly. Please see the Opening and Closing Procedure document for more details.
Working at the Cash Register
Bike farm accepts cash as well as cards. For card transactions we use Square from the iPad. This square account can be used on android and apple phones as well. The cash-box should always have less then $100 in it. Should the total exceed $100 transfer some of that money to the safe.
Discounts Members receive a 20% discount on new parts only. Bikes come with a free one-month membership. See the Bike Sales section below for details. Core volunteers can receive wholesale + 10% pricing on new parts in the shop. Preferably, they should do their best to order these items through the Special Orders form rather than clearing out our new merchandise on the regular. No Returns We do not do returns for items at bike farm. The membership serves as our warranty.
No Trades At Bike Farm we accept donations but under no conditions do we purchase items or trade for items. Trading or purchasing used bike parts can easily contribute to the stolen bike economy, and we don't want to be any part of that. Bike Sales
Complete bikes should be safety checked by two volunteers before sale. Both of these volunteers must sign their name on the price tag, vouching for the price as well as the safety of the bicycle. If you have questions about a particular bike, email the list serve.
Bike farm sells as-is bikes and ready to ride bikes. Any as-is bike sold for $40 or more comes with a one month membership. Any complete bike sold comes with a one month membership.
When a volunteer spends time working on a bike they should indicate on the bike the new parts and time they've put into the bike. That will ensure the bike will be priced appropriately later.
The listed price on bikes for sale for more then $150 are non-negotiable.
Always check complete bikes before selling them – things can go wrong while they sit up front.
When a Patron Can't Afford Essential Used Parts Shift leaders may give away used parts to individuals who cannot afford to purchase something that they need to get their bike in safe working order. Up to $10 may be given with no individual item to exceed $5. These must be used items. The patron is expected to help out at the shop in exchange for these goods-- by sweeping, taking out trash, organizing parts, etc. People may always volunteer in exchange for stand time, usually at a rate of one hour per shift. If money is hard, this is a good time to include $10 of parts. Volunteer work must be completed at the beginning of that shift, don't wait till the end!
DIY Pricing
Patrons are welcome to use the shop by either paying by the hour with stand time or purchasing a membership. A membership entitles the patron to unlimited stand time for the duration of their membership as well as a few other perks delineated in the DIY Pricing Document. Hourly Stand Time • Price ◦ $5 per hour ◦ no membership required • Benefits: use of stands, professional tools, and advice of the mechanics Memberships • Prices ◦ Comes with purchase of a complete or as-is bike valued above $40 ◦ one month: $20 ◦ six months: $35 ◦ one year: $60 ◦ lifetime: $200 • Benefits: unlimited stand time during shop hours, use of shop tools and advice from mechanics, 20% off discount off new parts Inclusion for Patrons with Lower Incomes Bike Farm volunteers should never deny a customer use of the shop space (help and stand time) due to lack of funds. If a patron cannot afford to make their bike safe, we will do our best to meet their needs.
The patron can: ◦ Volunteer in exchange for stand time! They can volunteer their time by cleaning/doing tasks in the shop. Usually they will help in the shop for an hour and then can work on their bike for the rest of the shift. ◦ On a very limited basis, they can volunteer for used parts. ▪ Please don't advertise this! It basically costs us money and is only for cases when the patron can't afford essential parts to make their bike safe. ▪ Less than $10 total, $5 per part. ▪ New parts can never be exchanged for volunteering. They cost the shop money. All special arrangements are at the discretion of the shift leader.
This agreement is intended to help people of lower incomes, not as a way for your friends to get free stuff. You can use your Key Holder privileges to give your friends free stand time while the shop is closed (but still no free stuff!).
New Parts If you find that we are almost out of something (ferrules, brake pads, etc.), request it by using the Special Orders Form on the desktop of the computer. It's a link at the bottom of the screen. To be extra helpful find the part number in the appropriate catalog.
Bike Farm has accounts with the local distributor Cyclone as well as the Seattle based distributor SBS. Cyclone requires a $100 minimum for delivery although can be picked up for no additional charge. SBS requires a $250 order for delivery.
We charge 100% markup (rounded to nearest dollar) on all parts ordered through our distributors.
Used / Donated Parts Bike Farm accepts all bike donations regardless of their condition (e.g. old, used, new cracked, questionable, etc.). Typical bike donations include used bikes, partial bikes, cracked bike frames, wheels, tires, bike accessories, locks, etc.). Bike Farm does not trade for any donations, which includes swapping used parts or new parts.
Whenever possible, either sort or delegate the sorting right away. If volunteers are unavailble to sort, please find an appropriate area of the shop for the donation to be sorted. Generally, donated: • Bike frames are stored in the back of the shop; • Bike components, such as bike levers, deraillers, locks, chainrings, etc, are placed in a basket on the brown table; • Small part donations such as washers, barrel adjusters, M5 bolts, dished brake pad washers, etc., should be placed on the Small Parts table; and • Tires are stacked in the back of the shop. • Remember, there is no trading. • Treasure Chest Bike farm has a price guide for items (see appendix). If an item is in the treasure chest and the item is not priced check eBay (and sell for about ½ what it goes for on there). We do not haggle on items in the treasure chest.
Waste Management / Safety
Please remind patrons and volunteers to return the tools when they are done and/or at the end of a volunteer shift, including keeping the tables clean.
Rags We use ALSCO for rag service. Laundry needs to be done at least once a month, or whenever the rags are all dirty. We have a private company which washes the rags. They will only except their own rags, which are green. ALSCO is located at 5225 SE 26th Ave, Portland, OR 97202. The phone number is (503) 233-5445. The cost per rag is $0.07. The usual amount to be cleaned is 100 rags, at $7.00 per load. You may take money from the cash box (if you are a key holder) to pay for the cleaning of rags.Materials Reuse • Tubes that aren't slashed, slimed, or knotted can be taken to a Cycle Dog drop-off point. ( • Tires can be taken to the Community Cycling Center for recycling. • Chains can be given to local artists, or to Resource Revival ( RR will pay for shipping if we have enough chain. • Chainrings and cassettes are also sometimes useful for local artists. Trash and Recycling Pick-up (every-other week) • Reminders are sent via google groups list serve. • Please put out the trash before Wednesday morning pick up. • Please put out the recycling before Friday pick-up.
Scrap Metal Pick-up Contact
Bike Farm has an agreement with X to take our scrap metal in the back of the shop. X comes to pick up scrap every..... Generally, they do not like when others collect the scrap metal, so don't mention others are also collecting.
Bike Farm Mail
To access Bike Farm mail, you need the mailbox key. The mail box key is found on the Bathroom key chain. If you are collecting the mail, please remember to lock the mailbox and return the key after you are done. [Place holder for email and voicemail procedures?]
Loft Access We have a loft area above the perimeter of the used as general Bike Farm storage area. Volunteers may only enter loft when approved by the shift leader. Don't walk off boards!
General Meetings Bike Farm holds General Meetings every fourth Tuesday at 7pm at the shop. All volunteers are encouraged to participate regardless if you have been to Bike Farm for one year or one day. Usually, General Meetings last two hours or less. General Meetings are Bike Farm group voting dicussions for proposals. If agenda items are taking a lot of time, the facilitator will the agenda topic aside to be discussed outside of the general meeting.
Spending meetings
Bike Farm holds Spending Meetings when .... These meetings follow the same procedures as general meetings, with the terms being....
From old Operations Manual: Spending meetings occur when we have over $100 in SPENDABLE INCOME. When we have expendable cash we look at the shop want list and vote on whether or not to buy non inventory items for the shop. the items are voted on in order of the date they were requested. Parts are purchased if they receive a 2/3rds majority vote. If they don't, then the item is placed on the bottom of the list to be revoted upon during the next meeting. Any item that has been on the list for over 6 months without being successfully purchased will be removed.
Other Meetings
Other meetings may organized to review topics that may only need development or involve voluntary effort Bike Farm. We do this to keep General Meeting general. These can be called at the General Meeting or on the listserv at least one week in advance.
Meeting Procedures General Meetings happen on the 4th Tuesday of every month at 7pm. The usual end time is 9pm. These meetings follow the General Meeting Procedures outlined below. Most other meetings at the shop also follow an abbreviated version of this outline.
1. A Bike Farm volunteer welcomes to the group, reviews meeting roles, and meeting procedures. 2. Review the Agenda. Meeting topics are usually exchanged via email to the listserv before. 3. Attendance (name, preferred pronoun, and an answer to a fun question). 4. Read the Safer Space Agreement 5. Review the hand signals and voting 6. Shift check-ins- shift volunteers share highlights of the daily shift over the last month; 7. Concerns and Thank you's 8. New agenda items 9. Items for the agenda are proposed via the email list in the weeks preceding the meetings. Final agenda items are added at the beginning of the meeting. 10. Nominations for keys - See “Procedure for Keys” document 11. Closing and Review of Action Items 12.
- Include a 10 minute break as appropriate.
Roles at Meetings
To encourage leadership and participation, different meeting attendants fill these roles each meeting.
1.Timekeeper a. if we agree on a time limit for meeting agenda topics, the timekeeper provides warnings when time is up.
2. Minute taker a. keeps minutes during the meeting, and emails them to the listserv that week (usually the next day).
3. Facilitator a. Keeps the stack; b. Helps ensure that everyone's voice is heard; c. Moves meeting agenda topics along
4. Participant a. Everyone is welcome to attend and participate in general meetings. b. Core volunteers are highly encouraged to participate in general meetings.
Consensus based decision-making
Bike Farm seeks the consent of all participants to make decisions. One person can block a proposal.
Voting on proposals
Proposals are voted on with hand signals. Voting on proposals is optional.
1. Agree: thumbs-up • One thumbs-up helps moves a proposal along toward passing. 1. Vehemently disagree: thumbs down • One thumbs-down blocks a proposal from passing. 1. Stand aside: thumb-to-the-side • You don't like the proposal, but you aren't voting it down at this moment. • Three stand asides block a proposal. 1. Abstain: no hand signal
Nonverbal communication
1. Twinkle Fingers a. When you want to express agreement with something, wiggle your fingers in the air. 1. Direct response a. When you have information in “direct response” to something someone just said, alternately point both hands between your head and someone else. 1. Point of Process a. when you have a procedural concern, form a triangle with your thumb and forefingers.
- The facilitator may indicate that you can break stack by sharing your useful information
Volunteer Structure and Privileges
Bike Farm tracks volunteer hours with the sign-in log, so please sign in.
Levels of Volunteer Commitment – choose your own adventure! Drop In Volunteers Duties: Drop in volunteers help out in the shop or at events. They can teach repair, greet patrons, build bikes for the shop, clean up, sort parts, or work on any other task of their choosing.
Privileges: Free stand time, usually an hour for an hour, at the discretion of the shift leader. They must volunteer before working on their own bikes. Committed Volunteers Duties: Must commit to a specific shift and volunteer at least 8 hours each month. This can be in the shop, at outreach events, or on out-of-shop projects. Some volunteers commit to a task instead of a shift, such as build-out or planning a fundraiser party. Privileges: Free stand time, $20 of used parts credit each month, and potential to have cubby space. The parts credit does not roll over. It begins to accrue when you sign up for a shift, and is available for use after you have volunteered for one month. Core Volunteers Duties: Satisfy the duties of a committed volunteer for at least two months, and take on additional responsibilities that grow and sustain Bike Farm's mission. Examples of extra responsibilities include working on a committee, creating literature, managing our web presence, hosting workshops, etc. Privileges: Free stand time, potential to have cubby space, $20/month in used parts credit, and the ability to purchase new parts at wholesale cost (plus 10%) from our distributors – see below. Core volunteers are also eligible to be nominated for a key to the shop.
Key Holders
Duties: A Key Holder is a core volunteer who has accepted and is responsible for a key to the space. Key Holders are expected to maintain core volunteer status.
Getting your shift covered: as a key holder, you are responsible for the shift you sign up for. this mean arriving to bike farm on time and staying till the shift is over. if you can not make it, you need to email the group and find someone to cover the shift. emailing it out is not enough, you need to find confirmation that someone can cover it for you. Passing on your key: If a Key Holder cannot volunteer at Bike Farm for at least 10 hours per month for three months, it may be time to pass on their key to a new core volunteer. Volunteers can request to keep their key if they need to take a temporary break from volunteering. Whether or not this is allowed will be determined on a case-by-case basis voted on at a meeting.
Privileges: Free stand time, $20/month in used parts credit and the ability to purchase new parts at wholesale cost (plus 10%) from our distributors – see below. Core volunteers are also eligible to be nominated for a key to the shop.
Functioning as a Non-Profit
Bike Farm is a 501(c)3 non-profit, which means we have certain rights and responsibilities that other organizations don't. Responsibilities as a Non-Profit We have to do certain things to maintain our non-profit status. These are detailed in ORS Chapter 65 and in our Bylaws, and include: • Not taking tips! As volunteers, we can accept small material gifts (pizza, coffee) but we CANNOT accept cash tips. • To maintain 501(c)3 nonprofit status, the state requires the shop to have a Board of Directors with at least three members, including a President and Secretary. We also, as of 2015, have a Treasurer, Secretary, President, Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Mechanical Officer. These titles confer no extra power, but officers may have extra responsibilities and are legally liable for the shop. • We are required to file certain forms each year to maintain our 501(c)3 status. The Secretary of State provides some FAQs that cover our tax filing procedures. This is currently handled by Rambod Behnam (Permission to include email*? • We cannot support political parties or candidates. Privileges as a Non-Profit Taxes and Tax-Deductible Donations As a non-profit, we can also do things that for-profit corporations cannot. These are also explained in ORS Chapter 65, and mostly boil down to not paying taxes (though we still have to file them) and accepting tax-deductible donations. Donations to Other Organizations Bike Farm will often donate memberships to organizations, either for their raffles or in appreciation of services rendered. Such donations should be approved at a general meeting.
Donation Receipts for Donors Many people and organizations will give us things for free! In exchange, we can give them a receipt to deduct from their taxes. Receipts can be printed from this file, and must include our federal tax file number or EIN, 26-14-15141. We can give receipts for anything from an old wheelset to a year's supply of pizza.
Who's In Charge Here, Anyway?
Bike Farm is non-hierarchical, which means that no one is your boss, and the collective is in charge. All important decisions are made by consensus at monthly meetings and should reflect our mission.
To maintain 501(c)3 nonprofit status, the state requires the shop to have a Board of Directors. Our board includes a Secretary, Treasurer, President, Chief Operations Officer, and Chief Mechanical Officer. Board members do not have any extra power, though they are legally responsible for the organization and have extra responsibilities. Board positions are often given to core volunteers who have gone the extra mile for Bike Farm and who we want to recognize with a title they can add to their CV. Ultimately, you are in charge of your own contribution! Come to the shop with your ideas and commitment to our mission, and make some dreams happen. Paperwork Much of our paperwork can be found on Google Drive or in Dropbox (mostly the Structure and History folder), or in the archives of the account on Gmail. Ask a core volunteer if you need access to one of these resources. • Form 1023 is the letter from the IRS approving our nonprofit status, and can be found in Dropbox and Drive. • The Articles of Incorporation are in Dropbox. • Our Bylaws are also in Dropbox. • The Mission Statement is in Dropbox, Drive, the website, and on the front wall of the shop! • History and Founding of Bike Farm is in Dropbox. • Financial paperwork, including donation receipts, cash log backups, and tax documents, is in the “Financial” folder in Dropbox.
Additional Documents
Shop Hours
Fri, Sat, Sun 12pm to 4pm Mon, Wed 5pm to 8pm | SUMMER HOURS 4pm to 9pm (Summer hours start April 1 and end September 30)
Women & Trans Night is every 1st/3rd Tuesday from 4:30 to 7:30pm Noche Bilingüe (a Spanish language wrench night) is every 2nd Tuesday from 4:30 to 7:30pm Open Shop Night (free stand time) is every 1st Thurs from 6 to 9pm Liability Waiver
I, and my heirs, in consideration of my participation in Bike Farm Inc., hereby release Bike Farm Inc., its officers, employees and agents, and any other people officially connected with this event, from any and all liability for damage to or loss of personal property, sickness or injury from whatever source, legal entanglements, imprisonment, death, or loss of money, which might occur while participating in this event. Specifically, I release said persons from any liability or responsibility for injury while working on my bike and other accidents relating to riding this bicycle. I am aware of the risks of participation, which include, but are not limited to, the possibility of sprained muscles and ligaments, broken bones and fatigue. I hereby state that I am in sufficient physical condition to accept a rigorous level of physical activity. I understand that participation in this program is strictly voluntary and I freely chose to participate. I understand that Bike Farm does not provide medical coverage for me. I verify that I will be responsible for any medical costs I incur as a result of my participation. _________________________________________
_________________________________________ (parent or guardian's signature if under l8)
_____________________ (date)
Key Holder Agreement
As a Key Holder at Bike Farm, I should maintain core volunteer status at the shop. I acknowledge that if I cannot volunteer at Bike Farm for at least 10 hours per month for three months, it may be time to pass on my key to a new core volunteer.
By accepting this key, I agree to the following: ⁃ I acknowledge the Mission of Bike Farm and accept that the purpose of Bike Farm's space is to uphold that mission. ⁃ I will uphold and participate in the Safer Space Agreement. I commit to doing my best to encourage others to do the same. ⁃ I have read the Volunteer Handbook. ⁃ I have read, understand, and will follow the Shop Rules.
New Key Holder Contact Information (fill out all that you would like to share):
Phone: Email:
Physical Address:
Emergency Contact:
_______________________________ ______________________________ ____________ New Key Holder's Full Name Signature Date
_______________________________ ______________________________ ____________ Nominator's Full Name Signature Date Shop Rules
1. No drinking or visible intoxication for patrons or volunteers during shop hours. 2. If you are drinking during off hours, put bottles in recycling and take the bins out. 3. You are the only person who can use your key. It was entrusted to you. 4. New keys can only be awarded to core volunteers by a vote at a general meeting. 5. If you are in the shop during off hours, be responsible. Make sure to be there at all times, and always supervise your guests. We don’t know them or how they might handle a strange situation. 6. Leave the shop cleaner than you found it. 7. Store personal projects at home, or ask about renting space at a general meeting. 8. If there’s a special situation and you must leave something for a day or more, let the situation be known with a note and email. 9. Pets are okay as long as they’re agreeable and attended.
Shop Procedures for Patrons
1. All patrons are to check-in with a mechanic upon entering the shop. 2. Do not head straight to the tool-board without talking to one of the shift mechanics, even if you know you don’t need help! 3. Patrons need to sign in with their name, contact and what they are fixing/doing to their bicycle. 4. After you are done working on your bike, you should approach a mechanic to settle any payments (patch kits, cables, used parts, and the hourly donation) 5. If you are unable to pay the hourly donation or purchase a membership, you ARE EXPECTED to help clean up the shop or help with some small tasks on the chore list. 6. Please be patient with us, as we are only a few people on staff. 7. If you think you know how to use a tool, but aren’t sure, (even if its something as simple as a pump) don’t hesitate to ask! That’s what we’re here for, and we’d rather assist you, as some of our tools are easily broken. 8. Thanks for visiting Bike Farm and we hope you had fun! Tech Bike farm has a positive relationship with Free Geek. Should we require any tech related items they've been a great help in the past. They require our organization to submit the online grant form and then pick up items in person. We've typically gone in person to explain our needs before submitting the on-line form.
Internet Bike farm uses a low cost provider geared towards non-profits called mobile-citizen. It is the equivalent of clear wire. Guest Internet is open but throttled while our password protected connection is faster (for the desktop computers). It costs $120 per year, or $10 per month. We bought and paid for the modem. Forms The forms that are used on the Sign In Computer (sign in/ grant survey) are saved in our Google Drive account. They’re also starred for easy access. To update the forms, you need to change the form in Google Drive, “view live form,” and save it as an html file in the public folder of our Dropbox account. This page is what is linked on the computer at Bike Farm.
The formatting on saved forms is wonky, so volunteers have also been editing the html files to remove all the error messages. You don't need to do this, but it does make things easier to read.
The desktop also contains the cash book and the special order form. Most Bike Farm documents are kept in the Bike Farm Dropbox.
General Media
Bike farm has accounts with the following social media services, passwords are available on the Google Drive account. • Twitter • Facebook • Website ▪ We have free hosting from WebFlow for our bike farm website. The interface uses an advanced GUI or is editable with html and CSS. Speak with someone who has updated the website prior to editing content (it gets tricky!).
Reimbursement Procedures If you buy something for the shop, you can be reimbursed! Any purchase of necessary tools/parts/etc. under $20 can be made without prior approval. Larger purchases must be approved at a meeting. Large purchases may need to be reimbursed with a check from someone on our bank account. Smaller purchases can be reimbursed from the cash box in the shop: 1. Get a reciept when you make the purchase. 2. If at all possible, have another volunteer do the rest of this for you. AVOID RINGING YOURSELF UP. 3. Fill out the cash book form; it has an “expense” option. The value should be positive 4. File the receipt in the cash box. If it isn't apparent from the receipt, add a note to explain what you purchased. Get the appropriate amount from the cash box. Lease Information
Our lease with Bindery Building LLC. began on July 1st of 2013, The term is for 5 years, with rent increases matching CPI (Consumer Price Index) each year. We have two options to renew, with the same terms. We have a triple net lease, which means we pay rent, plus CAM (Common Area Maintenance) plus all utilities. (see addendum for most current numbers and actual lease)
◦ Overhead ▪ Expense of keeping shop open ▪ heating is really expensive
The Land Lord's contact: GABE GENAUER Phone:971-221-5747
Sublease We sublease 1100 sf part of our space to [current sublease is Alebriated LLC].
Rental Space for Volunteers
At Bike Farm, we have physical space available for rent. Storage space uses include personal projects or general storage needs (e.g. book shelf, bikes, sewing machine, etc.). Requesting personal storage space can be made during a General Bike Farm meeting. Volunteers and patrons should at no time touch the personal storage space of others.
Generally, volunteers rent space for $2 per square foot. Opening and Closing Procedures
Beginning of the shift
⁃ Sign in. ⁃ Make sure all tools are in place and turn on the sign-in computer. ⁃ Put A-frame sign on sidewalk and plug in “open” neon sign. 1. During each shift
⁃ Make sure to greet each new patron and explain how Bike Farm works. Remind patrons to sign in and put away their tools when they're done. ⁃ Make sure that your actions reflect Bike Farm's mission. ⁃ Ensure that volunteers and patrons respect the Safer Space Agreement. ⁃ Record all transactions in the cash log on the computer. ⁃ If you're not sure how to handle a situation or problem, consult another core volunteer. You can also consult the appropriate binder and/or meeting minutes, or also email the listserv.
At the end of the shift
⁃ Give warnings for patrons to finish up projects: 30 mins, 15 mins, etc. ⁃ Count cash and keep $100 in small bills in the cash box. Transfer any money in excess of that to the safe (20s or greater) and record your transfer in the cash log. ⁃ If there is anything to report, leave a note beside the main computer and/or email the listserv (about patrons who are 86'd, new donations, sorting jobs, etc.). ⁃ Ensure that all cleaning tasks are completed: sweep mats, clear work benches, put away tools, move greasy rags to the red bin, take out trash, tidy the front desk and lounge/sink areas. ⁃ Turn off heater and fans, laminator, neon “open” sign, and lights. ⁃ Lock the door to the hall and the front door.
Bike Farm Price Guide
Updated 01/02/10
Bearings $1 per Race set
Bottom Brackets $3-5 for complete BB, $5-10 for complete cartridge
Brakes - $6-15 for pairs, $3-6 for singles, V-Brakes $10-15
Brake Pads $2 a pair for used pads
Brake Levers $5-10 for complete pairs
Cables, brake or shifter $2 for non-member, $1.50 for members
Cable Housing, brake or shift $1 per foot
Cassettes $2-8
Chainrings Steel - $5, Alloy - $10
Cranks Steel - $5, Alloy - $10-20
Derailleurs, front and back $5-10 for complete and working condition
Fenders $5-10 per pair
Forks $10-20
Grips $3ish
Handlebars $2-5 for steel, $5-12 for alloy
Hats $20 for non-member, $10 for members
Helmets $10.00
Hubs, front and rear $5-10 for complete hubs
Kickstands Free-$3
Mountain bike bar-ends Free-$5
Patch Kits $4 for non-member, $2 for members
Pedals $5-10
Quick Release Skewers $2-5 per skewer
Racks $5-10
Saddles $3-8
Seatposts Non-integral clamp $1-5, integrated clamp $8-10
Shifters Mountain shifters $5-10, Stem & Downtube $5ish
Stems Threadless $3-10, Threaded $5-12
Tires Free-$5 or as marked
Tire Levers $3 each for non-member, $2 each for members
Tubes $5 for non-member, $3 for members
Underwear $5.00
Wheels – front Steel rim $5-10, Alloy rim $10-15
Wheels – back Steel rim $10-15, Alloy rim $10-30
Note: Prices are dependent upon the quality of the item, the condition it's in, and the completeness of it. Good quality and has all its hardware: use higher end of scale. If the customer needs to go digging in bins to complete it or it looks worn, use lower end of price scale. Drop below the scale for extra rough parts, or rise above for super nice stuff. When unsure about a nice part, check ebay “sold for” section and charge half the average price.
Volunteer Orientation Procedures
Volunteer Orientation happens every third Wednesday from 6:30pm to 7pm at the shop, followed by an hour or two of (optional) volunteering.
These are the procedures for how orientation currently happens. If you have a better idea, please go with it! Just make sure that all the relevant information is covered.
MATERIALS ⁃ New Volunteer Info Packet (on corkboard by Sign In computer, also located in “Volunteer Coordinator” folder in dropbox) ⁃ iPad opened to the “New Volunteer” sheet in Google Drive
6:15pm Greet potential volunteers as they arrive 6:30pm Begin orientation.
Q: Name/preferred pronoun/ answer to this fun question (if you were a bike part what part would you be, a nice ride you went on, something you like to do outside, etc...) Q: Why did you come to Bike Farm today?
I follow the New Volunteer Info Packet, but prefer that everyone else doesn't because it's distracting. Maybe writing an agenda on a board would help people follow along without reading a huge packet. Whenever possible, before going through a section, ask:
Q: What experience do you have with (whatever topic we're about to discuss) – consensus based decision making, membership based orgs, nonprofits, etc
7pm Tour of the shop, more time for questions, etc 7:10pm People fill out iPad “New Volunteer” sheet and volunteer. Often this works well if you can assign tasks to people, and work together with them on the task so they feel welcomed and not isolated.
Check the responses from the iPad in > drive > New Volunteer (Responses)
Cull emails from that and send a “welcome” email to the potential volunteers. Search “welcome” the email account for an example email.
Go to Bike Farm's listserv page and “invite members,” everyone who gave their email address.
Say hi to new volunteers when you see them in the shop! Thank you!
Key Holder Nomination Procedures Core volunteers can be nominated by an existing Key Holder to receive a key to the shop. Procedures are below.
• Before the meeting, ask the nominee if they would like a key, and let them know you'd like to nominate them. • At the meeting... ◦ Explain why you would like to nominate this person for a key. (How long they've volunteered, how frequently, and how they contribute to the shop.) ◦ The nominee leaves the room. ◦ Participants at the meeting discuss the proposal and vote. Reasons not to award the key are: ▪ The nominee has not fulfilled the duties of a core volunteer. ▪ The nominee displays behavior that violates the Safer Space Agreement. ▪ The nominee's actions in the shop do not uphold Bike Farm's mission. ◦ The nominee is then brought back in and told the result. ◦ The Key Holder who nominated them is responsible for ▪ getting them a key ▪ etching a number on it with the dremel ▪ emailing the number to ▪ making sure that they sign the Key Holder Agreement ▪ filing this agreement
Special Order Procedures
Volunteers who maintain core volunteer status have the special privilege of ordering parts at wholesale plus 10% from our distributors. Procedures are below.
• There is a mailing list for special order coordination, with detailed procedures listed on the Google Group Page. Nominations for people who should be added to that list are welcome. Just let the order team know (currently Nathan, Dylan, and Momoko). • We can order through Cyclone, Seattle Bicycle Supply, Velocity, and (though we rarely use it) United Bicycle Supply. Most of their catalogs are in the shop if you want to browse. • People who maintain core volunteer status can be nominated for that list. • Bike Farm takes an additional 10% on orders paid with cash/check and 13% on orders paid with Square/Paypal. Volunteers pay any shipping (Velocity and maybe SBS – ask). • Items are ordered via a web-form and payments must be documented in the cash-book. • See Bike Farm calendar for the ordering schedule. (It’s every other week.)
Storing your Personal Things in the Shop Volunteers at Bike Farm have personal storage space available for their personal items them may not want to carry during their shift (e.g. coats, keys, water bottle, etc.). If you store something there, you must label it with your name and the date. If it's still there in a week and you don't update the date, it will be considered a donation to Bike Farm. What we need to do to keep our Non-Profit Status Definitions:Under the Oregon Nonprofit Corporation Act, there are three types of nonprofit organizations: public benefit, mutual benefit, and religious corporations. Bikefarm Inc. is considered a public benefit corporation. A public benefit corporation is one that is "organized for a public or charitable purpose"; can only distribute its assets upon dissolution to another public benefit corporation, a religious corporation, the United States, a state, or a person who is exempt pursuant to IRC section 501(c)(3); and does not fall within the definition of "religious corporation." ORS 65.001(31) Maintaining the Corporation: In order to maintain the legal status of the charitable corporation, an annual report must be filed with the Secretary of State's office each year on the anniversary of the filing of the Articles of Incorporation (Bikefarm's = October, 2007). While the Corporation Division will send a form for this purpose to the address of record, it is the organization's responsibility to ensure that it is received and filed with the appropriate fee. Involuntary dissolution of the corporation will proceed if the forms are not filed within 45 days of the anniversary date. Major changes that occur after the annual report has been filed (e.g. officers, federal I.D. numbers, etc.) will require the filing of an amendment to the annual report. Also, it is possible to reinstate a corporation after it has been dissolved. Direct any questions regarding annual reports to the Corporation Division,, or (503) 986-2200. Filing Informational Tax Returns The TE/GE Division of the Internal Revenue ServiceOrganizations holding tax exemptions under IRS Code 501(c)(3) or other 501(c) provisions generally must file annual informational returns with the Internal Revenue Service. Organizations should consult IRS instructions ( to determine whether to file Form 990, 990EZ, 990PF (for private foundations and trusts), or 990N (for smaller organizations). Additional returns may be required for organizations with employees and/or unrelated business income. Returns are to be filed no later than the 15th day of the fifth month following the close of an organization's fiscal year unless the organization requests an extension. Penalties of $20.00 per day are assessed for filing late returns. Filing Annual Financial Reports The Charitable Activities Section of the Oregon Department of JusticAll organizations registered with the Charitable Activities Section of the Oregon Department of Justice must file annual financial reports unless otherwise exempt from reporting requirements. Annual reports are due four months and fifteen days after the close of the organization's fiscal year. The Department may grant an extension of up to 90 days if requested on or before the due date. A sliding scale fee, based on the organization's assets and revenue, must accompany the annual report. Federal law requires organizations filing IRS Form 990-PF to file a copy of the form with the Charitable Activities Section even if the organization receives an exemption from Oregon reporting requirements. Other organizations must submit copies of their informational tax returns along with their annual reports. For annual report forms and instructions, please consult the Department's web site or call (971) 673-1880. Outreach Event Procedures [This section is a stub, please expand it!] For events like Sunday Parkways we often take a couple of trailers with tools, parts, and flyers. Before the Event • Check that we have everything in the mobile toolkit. The toolkit currently lives in one of our trailers, and there is a laminated list of tools and parts that it should contain. • Check our supply of spare parts. Tubes are probably most important, and we need to take a variety of them because there are often kids bikes at these events. • Make sure you can connect the trailer to your bike! • Find out if the event coordinators will provide a pop-up canopy and/or table. If they won't, make plans to bring our own. That may require two people pulling trailers. • Signage is always a good thing to bring. We usually have a spare A-frame sign around the shop. • Prepare a map showing the route from the event venue to Bike Farm. At The Event • Arrive early to scope out the space. Put out signs or draw directions with chalk from the mobile kit to help people find our booth. • At most events, especially busy ones like Parkways, we perform some repairs for patrons. Whenever possible, we explain that this is not normal procedure at the shop. We do still try to maintain an educational focus, though – give patrons a chance to get involved in the repair if they're interested, and explain what we're doing to their bike and why. • At most events we request donations, but don't require them. If we get a lot, move some cash from the donation jar to another location. • While working on repairs or waiting for tools to become available, ask patrons if they know about Bike Farm and take the opportunity to tell them about the shop. If they seem even remotely interested, give them a flyer! • Try to record what and how many repairs we complete. • Take notes on tools or parts that are missing, or that we run out of during the event. After The Event Restock the mobile kit and return things to their proper place in the shop. Ideas to Incorporate in a Reworked Safer Space Agreement Responsibilities - Do your best to be aware of your prejudices and privileges and the space you take up at Bike Farm. - Prioritize self-care - Respect peoples’ opinions, beliefs, experiences and differing points of view. - Respect everyone’s identity and background, including pronouns and names. Do not assume anyone’s gender identity, sexual preference, survivor status, economic status, background, health, etc. - Our attitude will be one of sincerity and respect to everyone we encounter - Respect everyone’s physical and emotional boundaries. - Respect and look after the shop as a physical space and a resource for all. Do your part to help out. - Be responsible for your own actions – physical or verbal –; be aware that your actions have an effect on others, despite what your intentions may be. Listen and change your behavior if someone tells you that you are making them uncomfortable. Always seek active consent (agreement of all peoples) for physical contact, and save consensual sexual contact for elsewhere. - You're working around pointy objects, so we encourage close-toed shoes. Our insurance probably does, too. - People-friendly pets ok - Children are welcome; we're not their babysitter. – Carry no weapons of offense . - Be aware of the range of different identities (gender, race, class, etc.) that people may experience, and avoid making generalizations or assumptions about people. - Everyone has an equal right to be heard. - Everyone an equal responsibility to listen . - If you are visibly intoxicated, please leave. If you came here seeking alcohol or drugs, please leave. Alcohol is permitted only when the shop is closed, and we request that it be used with moderation at those times. - Volunteers will be constructive & caring in our instruction - Volunteers will give patrons the space to learn - Patrons will be patient with volunteers.
The collective members at Bike Farm are empowered to uphold this agreement. If you cannot abide by the guidelines mentioned above, Bike Farm reserves the right to ask you to leave.
If someone is feeling uncomfortable, for whatever reason, do not hesitate to raise this concern. It is everyone’s responsibility to challenge selfish behaviour or prejudice. But remember, “Respect the person; challenge their behaviour.” If you experience harassment, abuse, or sexual assault, or if a perpetrator of sexual violence is interfering with your participation or presence at an event or in a space, please approach a Bike Farm collective member with whom you feel comfortable talking to in person or by email. They are here to help with any conflicts arising from the violation of our policies.
If someone violates these agreements a discussion or mediation process can happen, depending on the wishes of the person who was violated. If a serious violation happens to the extent that someone feels unsafe, the person violating the agreement may be asked to leave the space. We welcome the continuing discussion about and improvement of the safer space agreement.
It is up to all of us to help create a space where everyone feels safe and included.