Bike Farm

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Bike | A non-profit learning space run by volunteers who believe that bicycles are an ideal (and fun!) mode of transportation.<br> <br>

Mission Statement

Excerpted from the website:

Bike Farm is an all volunteer-run collective dedicated to every aspect of bicycle education, from safe commuting to repair. Our missions is to provide a space where people can learn about the bicycle and build community around promoting sustainable transportation. We strive to demystify the bicycle in order to impact the city in a healthy and positive way.


read more<br>


Current Volunteers and Positions

Mechanics : Christopher Lee, Benjamin Farbowitz, David Cox, Dave Stoops, Starmichael Bowman<br> Founders: Ariel Raymon and Becca Dillon<br> Media Coordinators: Abigail Scott<br> Web Designer: Heidi Olsen c/o 3 Hound Design<br> Community Outreach: Jennifer Collins<br> All Around Analyst: Momoko Saunders<br> Treasurer: Sara Sparkle<br> <br>


All rates are negotiable and no one will be denied reasonable service for lack of funds. Volunteer exchange can also be arranged for membership.<br> <br> Membership entitles you to full use of shop space and a professional set of tools with the assistance of a mechanic DURING OPEN HOURS.<br> <br> Drop-in rate: $5.00 per hour (no membership required)<br> Month Membership: $20.00<br> Year Membership: $60.00<br> 6 Month Membership $35.00<br> <br> Each core mechanic will have priveledges based on time and commitment. The non-profit will be a non-hierarchical consensus based project with weekly meetings, discussing the state of the Bike Farm and needed improvements.<br> <br> The space will be purely run on funds and donations. We hope to get a few larger grants to help pay rent for the space in the beginning until its able to sustain itself on selling used parts. The Shop will be open at first 3 days a week in the evening hours and then extend to 4.


Visit our website:

See Also