The Pedal Factory

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Revision as of 16:30, 7 September 2018 by StuartN (talk | contribs) (The Pedal Factory, Salisbury NC)
The Pedal Factory
Founded 2015
Location Salisbury, North Carolina, United States
Services Offered
Mission Statement To Make Bicycles Accessible To Kids And Adults.

The Pedal Factory is ...

Contact Info

  The Pedal Factory
  P.O. BOX 2353 
  Salisbury, NC 28145


  The Pedal Factory began with the goal of including all individuals as potential cyclists. We think everyone should have a bike, regardless of income, age, or background. We believe the Salisbury community is a great place to be a cyclist, with the means to really use a bike for necessary daily commutes, just for fun and fitness, or for both. We hope to see more kids riding to school alongside their parents, and we want to help make that happen. We have a vision of a collaborative workspace, where qualified volunteers help people from all walks of life learn to build and maintain their bikes. 

Services Offered

  We offer Earn-A-Bike to kids and adults. We also offer How to Ride classes 
  for children who want to ditch the training wheels, plus "refresher" courses for 
  adults who want to start riding again.
  During our shop hours, we are available to assist and instruct the community
  on how to best maintain and care for their bikes.
  We advocate for bicycle infrastructure in the city to make riding accessible and safe.