B!B!E! Meeting Minutes 2022.05.11
- Leo (Pedal Autónomo)
- Cass (they/them) (Pedal Autónomo)
- Carla
- Angel (she/her)
- Darin (he/him)
- Natalia / Nat
Language & Language Justice
- Engaging Spanish speaking communities is a priority this year!
- This meeting was in English, probably mostly to accomodate Darin & Angel
- We need to make another attempt to contact Mujerx al Pedal in CDMX - Darin will do this
- Nat heard a rumor that it might be in October, not sure where. She will ask around and see if anyone knows more.
- Bike Collectives ThinkTank email list
- Bike Collectives wiki
- bikebike.org
Outreach Strategy ideas
- Post videos from last year on social media, thinktank, etc. with quotes/excerpts/summaries and a ¨let´s do it again!" message
- thinktank email list is the primary way to reach organizations in US and Canada
- consider including all kinds of bike community groups, not just shops and formal organizations
- we need to focus on outreach to latin american and other spanish-speaking groups this year
- contact info for volunteers (including mailing list info)
- link to volunteer roles page
- link to timeline draft (anyone can edit!)
- list of things we did wrong last year & things to improve in the future
- survey responses from last year
- access to relevant accounts and logins, and the list of who has access to what
(things that don´t have links will be shared by email for privacy reasons)
Role updates
- Nat & Leo are doing coordination
- Carla is available to assist with coordination and other tasks as needed
- Darin and Angel are available to support, provide access to resources, share institutional memory, etc.
- There is an Instagram account from Tijuana (https://www.instagram.com/bikebikeorg/) that we should try to get access to. Nat will ask around in TJ.
- We can set aside some time to update wiki entries on Latin American organizations together
- The wiki needs Spanish-language user verification questions (it no longer requires that an administrator approve new accounts)
Next Meeting
- same time next week (8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific on Wednesday)
- share with ThinkTank and others who might be interested in getting involved
- start making decisions!