B!B!E! Planning Meeting 2022.10.26
Angel, Carla, Darin, Nat
Social media check-in
- Francisco translations has given Nat some bandwidth
- Nat made a really cool template for social media posts
- Ivonne's workshop was yesterday, Carla's is coming up.
- If workshop people want to be tagged on social media, Nat needs their @s.
- animal suggestions for next round of drawings
Things to ask presenters
- @s for social media if they want to be linked when we talk about their presentation, and how much of their name (nat is defaulting to what they have on bikebike.org)
- Nat is soliciting animal suggestions for the next round of drawings
- are they ok with their workshop being recorded (and posted to https://archive.org/details/@bikebikeeverywhere )
- remind them again to leave the last 15 minutes of their workshop for general chat (language for this in a previous email)
- Dandy will facilitate and Valeria will be @ the "next bike bike" workshop
- we heard back, workshop schedule is confirmed
- nat saw a sticker that was an instagram account that was something like @bikepoc (darin has heard of them) and nat thought maybe they'd like to participate in B!B!E! - nat and darin will collaborate to reach out to them about the BIPOC workshop
- Carla will send out the foro mundial email tomorrow
Tech update
- Firefox released a new update, bumbleberry can't handle browser updates, godwin fixed it, darin will try to figure out what godwin just changed.
- darin can speech-to-text spanish and english into english transcript (better than youtube)
To Do
- Reviewed the to-do list @ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18olRJkV6yBSHAQkz9zN-1tnWo4akkwHGO1kVJwcul5I/edit?usp=sharing
- Nat did a thing, Angel & Darin have things we still need to do
- Grant in progress
- finish working on that wiki page
Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2023 & bbe2023 workshop planning
- Way more time to train interpreters next year.
- 2 people interested in working on language justice
- 4 translators that actually check their emails (2 to translate, 2 to review)
- 7 people + 1 on-call person interested in being trained as interpreters or who already know how to interpret
- bike knowledge in both languages
- 3 people, preferably bilingual, for social media. Messages come in in both languages.
- People familiar with different platforms, right now we mostly are using instagram
- People interested in writing posts
- People interested in creating images
- posts and images can be done by different people
- A writer or writers. Everybody has different styles. Effective communicator.
- Person who comes to the meetings and develops institutional memory and keeps us company
- 6 zoom techs
- 1-3 people who are generally comfortable messing around with computers
- know how a server works
- basic coding ability
- can troubleshoot things and get things working
- and who are available to do that
- 1-2 people who are comfortable doing things like
- working with a wiki
- sending emails
- doing basic online tasks that need to get done
- decision-maker when nobody wants to make a decision
- delegator
- miro
- organizing
- keeping track of what needs to be done when
- keeping track of timeline
- tasks into smaller ones and set dates
get excited
- if there's a direction you'd like to se B!B!E! go, this is your opportunity to make it happen
- fun community, we always enjoy seeing each other every week
- We're looking for a 1-year commitment
- Here's a google form, tell me about you, what did you like about B!B!E!, what would you like to see abou B!B!E!, what is your commitment level, can you commit to the full thing, do you want to do just social media/writing emails/promotion/whatever, and then when they finish that, it sends them a link that's "HERE"S everything you need to know!"
lessons learned
- we need to schedule more time for things, and then believe ourselves when those deadlines seem early
- things will go wrong, you have time to fix them (like with registration)
- who/what/when/where/why/how check for sending out emails. remember important details.