Conflict Resolution

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This outline reflects the outcome of some numer of meetings about how to handle internal conflicts (of which we've now seen a few). This is the first draft in the handbook.

Our agreed upon "code of conduct" should also be printed herein. It is necessary for all collective members to affirm this procedure.

  • Each individual, based on subjective interpretation of the code of conduct, is entitled to identify a violation and should do so.
  • First, discuss matter one on one with accused individual give that person a chance to address request and make changes. (do your best)
  • Confront person again if problem persists: indicate intention to table issue with group unless noe on one resolution can be pursued in a timely manner
  • In the group setting, conflict resolution should be prioritized (e.g.. as a first agenda item) when it arises. It is the group's responsibility to pro-actively work to resolve the situation.
  • Each party involved should be allowed 10 minutes to state their case. The group can then decide IF/WHEN/HOW to mediate the conflict (e.g. in house vs. out source mediation), or take action to stabilize/remedy teh situation.
  • The group must, based on nature of the grievance, provide a time frame for evaluation of resolution success/compliance. Explicit identification of code conduct violations and steps must be taken for resolution should be made.
  • If satisfactory resolution has not been achieved at the end of the evaluation period the group can require the probation of 1 or more individuals involved.
  • The duration of and explicit reasons for the probation must be defined at the onset of this period.
  • Post probation: revist the reasons for the probation and expect formal commitments from returning indviduals for change (e.g.. A 10 minute presentation about reflection on the process/conflict that occurred during probation)

Process of Conflict Mediation Resources