Armory Bike Union

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Armory Bike Union
Founded unknown
Location Jackson, Michigan, United States
Mission Statement

The mission of Together We Can Make a Difference is to make a difference:

• In our community by connecting needs with resources. • For churches by being a point of contact with the community.

• For our neighbors by being a resource center and telling them about Jesus.
Phone (517) 499-1928


See Also

The Armory Bike Union (ABU) aims to build educated, confident bicyclists and bike culture in Jackson. We offer a variety of workshops and classes. We also host volunteer bike recycling, space for the public to work on personal projects and fun bike events.

The ABU started as a bike recycling program, and taking in donated bikes that volunteers fix up is still a big part of the ABU effort. Each year, over 100 recycled bikes are given out, through Safe, Effective Cycling classes, to people in need of transportation. Volunteer days are Mondays 4-8pm.

Open shop hours are even more popular. We logged over 1,000 visitor hours working on bike projects in our shop last year. On open shop days, the community is invited to use our tools, stands, and shop knowledge to work on their own bikes. It is a great way to learn how to keep your bike running smoothly and meet bike people. Open shop hours are Wednesday 4-8pm and Saturday 10am - 2pm.

We hold cool bike events all year long. Whether it is a Christmas Jingle Ride or a summer Hot Air Balloon Chase, a Bike-In Movie or a Community Bike Swap, we're always looking for a new and fun way to create a social biking experience.

We also offer Jackson Active Living maps, bike rental, and a library of loaner bikes for members.