BBE21 tech guide
This is out of date! Please contact Darin ( for a current version
Important Links
- Schedule
- Zoom
- Safer Space Agreement
- Discord (text chat)
Contact Info
- Angel (basic questions) | | +1 (707) 697-3056 (call for fastest response)| on Discord
- Darin (tech) | | +1 (707) 697-3056 | often on Discord
- We are also keeping an eye on
Before The Event
- Open or download these slides about Zoom's Simultaneous Interpretation feature.
- Make sure you have an up-to-date version of the Zoom desktop application on your computer. Version 5.2.1 or greater is required to set up interpretation. The mobile app won't work for this. Download it here.
Starting The Workshop (5 minutes early!)
- Sign in and start the meeting / webinar at least 5 minutes before the posted start time.
- Option 1: via the Zoom website
- go to
- if you are signed in with your own account, log out
- sign in as
- Click "Meetings"
- move your mouse over the event and click "Start"
- Do NOT select "Join from your browser" - the browser-based client cannot set up interpretation.
- Option 2: via the Zoom client
- Open the zoom desktop client or mobile app
- if you are signed in with your own account, log out
- sign in as
- Click "Meetings" at the bottom and click "Start" for the event you're opening
- Option 1: via the Zoom website
- Give the presenter(s) Co-host access
- Open the participant list by clicking "Participants" at the bottom of the window
- Hover your mouse over the presenter's name
- Click "More"
- Click "Make co-host"
- Add the interpreter(s):
- Click "Interpretation" at the bottom of the window
- Click "+ Add Interpreter"
- Click inside the "Search by name" box
- Select the name of the interpreter
- Set the languages to "English <-> Spanish"
- Repeat for any other interpreters
- Enable Live Transcription / Auto-Transcription:
- Click "Live Transcript" at the bottom of the window
- Click "Enable Auto-Transcription"
- Sound Check:
- Ask each facilitator and panelist to speak and confirm that you can hear them clearly
- Ask each interpreter to switch to the Spanish channel. Switch to the Spanish channel by clicking "Interpretation" at the bottom of the window and selecting "Spanish" and have a quick chat with the interpreter to confirm the Spanish audio is working.
- Ask each interpreter to switch to the English channel, do the same yourself, and confirm that you can hear them clearly.
- Ask the presenter if they want any time warnings besides the standard "5 minutes until the end of the workshop."
- Intro statements:
- [Introduce yourself, like...] Hi, my name is ____, my pronouns are ____, and I'm tech support for this workshop. If you're having problems, please message me in chat and I'll do my best to help.
- Guidelines & Instructions:
- Mute yourself when not speaking to minimize background noise.
- Slow down! Take a breath after each sentence and pause when switching speakers.
- Speak up! Speak loud and clear. Use headphones with a mic if you have them.
- Use the "raise hand" function and wait for the facilitator to call you. Don't talk over others.
- Say your name before speaking so people listening to the interpreter know who is talking
- Interpretation is enabled. Unless you are bilingual, please click the "Interpretation" button at the bottom of the window and select your language to ensure you can hear the interpreters.
- Invite the interpreter(s) to make their introductory statements. They may want to reference these slides, please be prepared to bring them up and share your screen if requested.
- Copy and Paste these two messages into chat:
Interpretation Function Instructions:
Instruciones para la función de interpretación:
- Start Recording (unless the presenter requests that this event not be recorded):
- Click "Record" at the bottom of the window
- Select "Record on this Computer" (our Zoom account has very limited cloud storage)
- Invite the presenter / facilitator to introduce themself and begin!
- Mute yourself when finished speaking so your background noise doesn't come through.
- Leave the Participants panel open so you can see raised hands
During The Workshop
- Watch for raised hands, questions, and chat messages. Consider interrupting the presenter(s) during a pause in case they haven't noticed that someone has a question or comment.
- Raised hands show up as a hand symbol next to the person's name, so be sure to leave the Participants panel open!
- Unanswered questions show a red number by the Q&A button.
- Unread chat messages show a red number by the Chat button.
- Keep an ear out for background noise and mute people if necessary. If someone is talking or making noise, the microphone symbol by their name will have rising and falling grey fill.
- Watch for interpreter signals
- Interpreters may use "reaction" emoji to remind people to slow down, speak up, etc. If you see an interpreter do this and the speaker doesn't adjust, you may need to break in and remind them verbally.
- Interpreters may also make requests or suggestions in Chat - keep an eye out for them.
- Interpreters may use hand signals as well.
Ending The Workshop
- Warn the presenter 5 minutes before the end or otherwise as agreed at the beginning.
- Save the transcript
- If you move your mouse over the area where captions appear, there should be a tiny "^" symbol in the top right of the caption box.
- Click the "^" symbol and then click "Save closed caption history". It should show a green box that says "Closed Caption History Saved"
- If the meeting was recorded, the recording and chat log should be automatically saved by Zoom
- End the meeting. Workshops CANNOT run long Click the "End" button within 5 minutes of the workshop's scheduled end time, or the next workshop won't be able to start.
After the meeting ends, Zoom should bring up a folder containing saved captions, chat logs, and recordings from the meeting.
After The Workshop
Do these ASAP so folks who weren't able to make it don't have to wait.
- Upload the recording, transcript, and chat log to
- go to
- sign in as
- click "UPLOAD" in the top right corner * select the green "Upload Files" button and choose the recording, chat log, and transcript files
- list the "Creator" as "Bike!Bike! Everywhere! 2021" and include the same text in the Subject Tags
- select the "Creative Commons" license and "Prohibit Commercial Use"
- Send a link to the uploaded files to
- Someone is talking, but nobody can hear them
- Red "microphone with line through it" or "phone with a line through it" symbol by their name: they are muted. You can click "ask to unmute" and Zoom will pop up a dialog box asking them to unmute.
- No microphone or phone symbol by their name: they are not connected to audio. They need to click the "Join Audio" button at the bottom left.
- Green microphone or phone symbol by their name: they are connected and Zoom isn't muted. They should check to make sure their microphone is plugged in and not muted by their operating system. If they are using browser-based Zoom, the browser may be blocking audio - in that case, they will see a "microphone with red exclamation mark" symbol in the bottom left corner of the screen. The can click it for a link to instructions.
- You're trying to add someone as an interpreter, but their name doesn't show up in the list
- The browser-based Zoom client doesn't have interpreter features. Interpreters must download the desktop client or app.
- Interpretation isn't available in Zoom Clients older than version 4.5.0
- A facilitator, panelist, or attendee doesn't have the Interpretation button
- Interpretation isn't available in Zoom Clients older than version 4.5.0. They need to upgrade their Zoom client or join via their browser.