Bike Kitchen (Vancouver)

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Bike Kitchen
Founded 1998
Location Vancouver, Canada
Campus University of British Columbia (Point Grey Campus)
Services Offered
Mission Statement The primary purpose of the Co-op is to encourage more people to use bicycles as their primary mode of transportation at UBC and for commuting to UBC. Bicycling as transportation has many benefits such as physical fitness, low cost, lower environmental impact, and versatility when compared with alternatives such as driving cars or taking public transit. A greater cycling mode-share would be beneficial to the individual cyclists and to the community as a whole.

Bike Kitchen (Vancouver) is a project of the AMS Bike Co-op with the support of the Alma Mater Society and the Transportation Planning office. The Bike Kitchen's revenues fund the Bike Co-op’s programming and cycling advocacy outreach on campus and in the community.

The AMS Bike Co-op is a student+community-run organization under the auspices of the Alma Mater Society of UBC (the student representative body). The AMS Bike Co-op acts as a board of directors over the Bike Kitchen, and staff run programs taking direction as well as volunteer help from the board, including advocacy, outreach, group rides and more.

Contact Info

(AMS Bike Co-op c/o) The Bike Kitchen

6138 Student Union Boulevard

Coast Salish Territories

Vancouver BC, Canada

V6T 1Z1



The AMS Bike Co-op was founded in the spring of 1998 by a group of very dedicated students. The venture was financially backed by the AMS Innovative Projects Fund, Trek, and other supporters. The original purpose of the co-op was to build a shared fleet of purple and yellow bicycles which could be used by students to reduce the number of car trips on campus. This initiative was hugely successful, and continues to be a foundation of the co-op’s programming. After the initial success of this program, the co-op continued to expand its operations, gained a core of dedicated volunteers and became a hub for cycling on campus.

Services Offered

  • DIY bike repairs
  • Hands-on instruction
  • Full-service repairs
  • Free consultations
  • Free advice
  • Free air, oil and tire patches
  • Bike rental
  • Used bikes


  • Build your own bike program (archived)
  • Mechanical skills workshops
  • Cycling Resource Centres (free tuneups, advice and written information at events such as farmers markets)
  • Monthly Women & Queer Night + Pride night
  • Introductory Cycling Workshops for campus groups and organizations
  • Youth bike club for local high school students (archived)
  • On-campus bike share (archived)
  • Tuesday volunteer nights (with free pizza)
  • Bicycles + Mechanical aid for migrant farm workers
