Electric City Bike Rescue

From Bike Collectives Wiki
Electric City Bike Rescue
Website https://www.electriccitybikerescue.org
Email electriccitybikerescue@gmail.com
Founded 2014
Location Schenectady, New York, United States
Mission Statement Bicycle enthusiasts and other volunteers from around the greater Schenectady area have come together since 2014 to create an all-volunteer community bike shop. We've built a space where bicycle repairs and maintenance happen in a creative and supportive environment that is available to everyone. Volunteers have made "Electric City Bike Rescue" (ECBR) into a resource for the community, that offers programs focused on rescuing, repairing, and redistributing abandoned and unused bicycles that would otherwise be destined for landfills or scrap yards.

Electric City Bike Rescue website

Electric City Bike Rescue is an all-volunteer community where bicycle repairs and maintenance skills are shared in a creative and supportive environment. Services are available to anyone with a desire to learn. Volunteer-led programs focus on rescuing, repairing, and redistributing little-used bicycles that would otherwise be destined for landfills. These bicycles are used as tools to teach self-empowerment, and to promote sustainable transportation.