
From Bike Collectives Wiki

A helmet is a form of protective gear worn on the head.

Proper Helmet Fit

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SFMTA one page helmet fitting guide in english.
SFMTA one page helmet fitting guide in spanish.

Eyes, Ears, Mouth Test

When you first put your helmet on it should be snug & level

  • Eyes – when you look up with your eyes you should always be able to see the brim of your helmet
  • Ears – go between the ‘Y’ shape strap, buckles under ear lobes
  • Mouth – when you open your mouth to yawn, you should feel pressure on top of your head

2 Finger Rule

Put 2 fingers from you brow to the brim of the helmet and 2 fingers under the chin strap.

Helmet Donations

The words free and steady might not last long together in the context of sources of helmets. Enjoy the free helmets while you can.

Easton Bell Sports and Safe Kids Worldwide

Safe Kids has arranged with one of their sponsors, Bell Sports, to provide helmets made by Bell to their local chapters at discounted prices. Non-profit organizations with community outreach efforts can contact:

Bethany Burtner Customer Service Representative Easton Bell Sports

1001 Innovation Road, Rantoul, IL 61866 PH#(800) 776-5677 FAX# (800) 888-9009

Department of Health

All states have a Department of Health and most of those have an Violence and Injury Prevention Program. As is typical of most government agencies, if they don't use budgeted money -- they lose it. So several times a year they are looking to spend money on something and distributing helmets is one of them.

Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute

The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute maintains a list of inexpensive bicycle helmet providers.

Educational Resources

Ride Smart. It’s Time to Start - Bicycle (Video)

This funky, fast-paced video uses humor, real-life examples, computer graphics, and a peer-to-peer approach to teach middle and high school youth about how wearing a bicycle helmet can protect them from serious injuries (including brain injuries) and death. The 9-minute (approx) video features a diverse group of teens and pre-teens modeling the newest, coolest looks in helmets, and includes the entertaining, yet instructional “raw egg drop” demonstration. The video also explains how to correctly fit and position a bicycle helmet and select a helmet that meets Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards. It also discusses key rules of the road. The video’s target audience is middle school age children (grades 5-9) and can be used by parents, youth groups, medical personnel, traffic safety organizations, educators, and injury prevention groups. This video was released in March 2002 and is the first in a series of two videos. (DOT HS 809 397).

To order a copy of the video, FAX your request to 301 386-2194.


Casque de vélo (m)


Cascos (m)

See Also
