Ontario Wheel House

From Bike Collectives Wiki

April 2021 note: Ontario Wheelhouse appears to be closed.

Mission Statement

The Ontario Wheelhouse is a community-pedaled organization that promotes bicycling within the City of Ontario and its neighboring communities. The Wheelhouse offers an educational, safe and substance free workspace for cyclist from all rides of life to learn to use, service and love bicycles.


Pitzer College students founded the Ontario Wheelhouse (OWH) in the fall of 2010. The Wheelhouse provides members of Ontario and surrounding communities with access to a bicycle repair shop where they are able to work on and learn to work on their own bikes. The Wheelhouse was crafted by Max Kaplan, Nate Riddle, Sylvie Froncek and Nicole Scheunemann, with support from Lloyd and Garrison of Bumstead’s Bicycles and Director of Pitzer in Ontario Prof Susan Phillips, with funding from Pitzer's EcoCenter, Green Bike Program and Community Engagement Center. The OWH began as an attempt to counter the Inland Empires car culture by encouraging people to use bikes, and by facilitating their maintenance for the Ontario community.

Location and Hours

132 East H Street Ontario, CA 91764

Tuesdays 2pm-5pm
Wednesday 12-5
Thursday 3pm-5pm
Friday 12-3


Ontario Wheelhouse

Article I

Name and Purpose

Section 1.1 Name

The official name of the community bike shop on the southwest corner of the property located at 132 East H. Street, Ontario, CA is the Ontario Wheelhouse.

Section 1.2 Purpose

The Ontario Wheelhouse is a community-pedaled organization that promotes bicycling within the City of Ontario and it's neighboring communities. The Wheelhouse offers an educational, safe and substance-free workspace for cyclists from all rides of life to learn to use, service and love bicycles.

Article II


Section 2.1 Members

Membership shall consist of all those who hold at least a weekly shift at the Ontario Wheelhouse and attend monthly meetings.

Section 2.2 Qualifications

Members must meet all qualifications listed below.

              1. To hold membership at the Wheelhouse one must be 18 years of age. 

              2. To hold membership at the Wheelhouse one must prove adequate knowledge of bicycle repair and tool use, while recognizing the skills one lacks. 

              3. To hold a weekly shift at the Wheelhouse one must prove adequate knowledge of cycling, repair, and shop safety. 

              4. To hold membership at the Wheelhouse one must understand the responsibilities intrinsic to running The Wheelhouse including opening, closing and general shop duties. 

Section 2.3 Becoming a Member

Those seeking membership can participate in a shadowing program outlined in the handbook. After an unspecified number of hours shadowing current members, shadows will be considered for membership. Shadows must be accepted through a consensus between all current members.

Section 2.4 Loss of Membership

All members are impermanent, and are viable to a loss of membership. Membership will be immediately terminated for, stealing tools, using substances while on shift or in the workspace, and stealing money. Membership will be brought in to question at meetings in the case of excessive absences. Excessive absences can apply to either meetings or shifts. Missing two consecutive monthly meetings is considered excessive absences. Missing three shifts in a month without I having a reasonable excuse for your absence (i.e. personal injury, family emergency, finals week) is considered excessive absences.

Article III


Section 3.1 Attendance

All active members must attend meetings. Missing two consecutive monthly meetings is considered excessive absences and rational for membership review.

Section 3.2 Quorum and Minutes

The attendance of at least two-thirds of the members shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting. If a quorum is not present, a majority of the members in attendance may adjourn the meeting. Accurate minutes of meetings and other proceedings shall be recorded by any voluntary member and posted on the blog for the public to see with in two days.

Section 3.3 Agenda

Agendas, which all members can add to, shall be provided online at least twenty-four hours in advance.

Section 3.4 Voting

All members can cast one vote in all proceedings. For all votes to pass a consensus must be reached. If members fail to find consensus after three rounds of voting a 4/5 majority will be instated. For the incorporation and termination of new members a consensus must be reached, with the exception of the person in question.

Section 3.5 Special Meetings

Special meetings may be held at any time when called for by ¼ of active members and two days notice must be given to all members. For any special meetings to be legitimate a quorum must be reached of 5/8 of all members.

Article IV


Section 4.1 Standing Committees

The standing committee shall be Finance. Standing committees shall be appointed by consensus of all active members.

              1. Finance Committee shall be responsible for financial statements, budgeting, and sources of funds and consist of three (3) to five (5) members to serve six-month terms on the committee. Only active members who have been active for two months can serve.  Only members of the finance committee are approved to make purchases with Wheelhouse money. Purchases made are limited to twenty (20) dollars, without approval at a monthly or special meeting. 

Section 4.2 Special Committees

Special Committees can be created, as needed, for the effective management of The Wheelhouse. Creation and membership is decided by consensus vote. Membership to The Wheelhouse is not a requirement for service on special committees, as long at a simple majority are members.

Section 4.3 Committee Meetings

Committee meetings shall be held as necessary.

Section 4.4 Notice of Committee Meetings

Notice of committee meeting shall be sent digitally to all committee members no less then five days before each meeting.

Section 4.5 Quorum and Minutes

Unless otherwise decided by consensus, the whole committee shall constitute quorum. If quorum is not met the meeting cannot take place. Accurate minutes of meetings and other proceedings shall be recorded and made available to all Wheelhouse members.

Section 4.6 Rules

Each Committee can adopt rule for its governance consistent with these bylaws.

Article V


Section 5.1 Amendment(s)

These bylaws may be amended by a consensus of all members, provided it is a regular meeting and a copy of the proposed amendment(s) are provided to each member at least one week prior.




Ontario Wheel House Official Webpage [1] (dead link as of April 2021)

Ontario Wheel House Blog archive