Sanctoral Cycle

From Bike Collectives Wiki

As of 2018-07-29, taken from :

Run by Students! Located under neath the Music Wing on the Canadian Mennonite University campus.

500 Shaftesbury Blvd., In the basement below the music wing. Winnipeg, Manitoba R3P 2N2

Mission What is Sanctoral Cycle? Literally, it is the liturgical cycle of feast days in honor of the saints. It is also the name of CMU's bike co-op. Sanctoral Cycle seeks to cultivate goods habits of physical health and environmental responsibility by promoting the use of the bicycle as a form of transportation. Consider it a perpetual feast, an endless celebration of the bicycle.

General Information Annual Memberships: $10 for students; $15 for faculty/staff/alumni

Member benefits include: - Free access to tools and workspace; in the North Campus basement (accessible from north stairwell and outside doors below the music wing) - Affordable shop rates - Access to parts and accessories (lube, tubes, chains, cables, etc.) - Access to a collection of used frames and components - Education through bike maintenance workshops - 15% discount at Olympia Cycle and Ski (Portage Ave.)

Products We have a handful of ready-to-go bikes FOR SALE!