Shop Manual
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Shop Manual
This manual, originally started by the Ohio City Bicycle Co-op, is a collaborative effort designed to help you have a better time volunteering. It's much easier to have a good time if the job you're doing is easier, and we hope to make it easier by providing explanations that you can use to learn new tasks or remember how to do ones you've done before. Enjoy!
- Despoking Wheels - Despoking wheels
- Inflating Tubes - Inflating tubes / tires
- Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
- Loosening, see Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
- Tightening, see Lefty Loosey, Righty Tighty
- Wheel Care - Cleaning and lubing wheels
- Checking Tubes - Checking innertubes for leaks
- Tired Wheels - The OCBC procedure for handling wheels with tires on them
- Removing Tires - How to remove a tire
- Brakes - Evaluation and repair
- Derailleurs
- Bike Evaluation - How to evaluate a bike and decide its fate
- Bottom Bracket
- Building a Fixed Gear - All the cool kids are doing it...
- Chain rings
- Cranks
- Diamond Handlebar Wrap- It's ain't style if it ain't FUNKY
- Repacking Hubs - Remedy if the wheel's axle does rotate right, at all, or in the wrong direction.
- Tuning for sale - How to prepare a bike to be sold
- Wheel Building - Ever wondered how to build a wheel from scratch?
- Wheel Evaluation - How to determine whether a wheel is good or worth fixing
- Wheel Truing - Bumpy ride?
General information on parts and using tools
- Definitions
- Handlebars - Types of Handlebars and how to sort them
- Tube Valves - The two types of valves commonly seen on tubes
- Wheel Sizes - The different sizes of wheels and tires
- Using Calipers - How to measure using calipers
- Measuring Spokes - How to measure the length of a spoke
- Spoke Wrenches - How to know which one you need
- Truing Stand - How to place a wheel into the truing stand correctly
- Shop Supplies - Necessities taken for granted.