
From Bike Collectives Wiki

I just wanted to correct the imperial entry for "37-533" to be "24x1 1/2" (rather than 26"), as referenced on and the Bead Seat Circumference must be 1670 on the page: In fact, would serve as a pretty good biography for this context.

Biography at least 50 words long? Yow... Ok, you asked for it...

I did a trip from Victoria to Montreal in July-August 1991 with my bestest buddy Andrew Van Iterson. It was a fundraiser for USC Canada for their "Seeds for Survival" project in Ethiopia, raising $7500 in conjunction with visits to many Unitarian congregations en route. I have photos which have not yet been scanned from that trip and I will add text to it when I do finally scan them. So far, there are two photos from that trip. The first is in Victoria at Mile 0 of the Trans-Canada Highway. Here is another memorable moment when we crossed the Manitoba-Ontario border (photo)

In 1993, I did a one year trip abroad to Australia with my bicycle, stopping in Hawaii, the Cook Islands, New Zealand and Fiji and covered about 6500km. The photo at left was taken in Evandale, Tasmania, the home of the National Penny Farthing Championships.

In 1998, Carole and I spent our Honeymoon cycling in Cuba for a month, covering about 1000km from Havana to Santiago de Cuba.

In 2001 I dove in with both feet into the recumbent cycling community by provoking Ian Sims of Greenspeed to design and build a new model, a convertible solo/tandem recumbent tadpole trike. I have the first production unit of the GTV. It had an adventure when it got stolen.

Wow, this process is pretty onerous to simply correct one digit on one web page. I've been bounced three times for information that doesn't meet the registration filter, answering 3 skill-testing questions in the process.