
From Bike Collectives Wiki

I'm generally a more transportation- than recreational-minded rider, owning little spandex or tweed. I'm the corporate Secretary (for what that's worth) and a Core member of the Sacramento Bicycle Kitchen in Sacramento, California. At SBK, I provide general tech guruship, manage the Thursday night shift, and serve as a general sort of administrative whip in lieu of having an executive director. With my free time, I also serve as the vice-president of the Sacramento Area Bicycle Advocates, Sacramento's bicycle advocacy org. The two have an improving relationship; SABA no longer thinks SBK is just for fixie-riding hipsters, and SBK has moved on from considering SABA the organization where recumbent-riders go to retire.

My day job is as the tech-nerd-in-resident at a small retirement plan administration company. I'm also active in a Roman and Greek history reading group, graduated from California State University, Sacramento, with a degree in Government, practice yoga, try to play bass in a rock and roll band, and am living happily with my girlfriend Morgan and my great dane Townshend. Pictures (of him, not her) available on request.