Waterside Workshops

From Bike Collectives Wiki

Waterside Workshops

About us

Waterside Workshops uses vocational education as a method of promoting youth development, encouraging sustainable and healthy lifestyles, and cultivating positive change in the Bay Area community. We offer job-training and outdoor recreation to East Bay youth. Our bike program takes donated bicycles from the community and uses them as a teaching tool in our bicycle mechanics job training program. Income generated from sales and repairs support our youth programs.


84 Bolivar Drive Berkeley CA 94710



Waterside Workshop
Website https://shop.watersideworkshops.org
Email streetlevelcycles@gmail.com
Founded unknown
Location Berkeley, California, United States
Mission Statement

Waterside Workshops uses vocational education as a method of promoting youth development, encouraging sustainable and healthy lifestyles, and cultivating positive change in the Bay Area community. We offer job-training and outdoor recreation to East Bay youth.

Our bike program takes donated bicycles from the community and uses them as a teaching tool in our bicycle mechanics job training program. Income generated from sales and repairs support our youth programs.
Phone 510 644 2577