From Bike Collectives Wiki
Upcoming Meetings
January 2022
- Friday, January 14, 2022 6pm Mexico City Time (4pm PST) B!B!E! + B!B!CDMX
- AGENDA: USA-Mexico money handling update
- Sunday, January 16, 2022 5pm PST tech committee meeting
- discuss Jonathan's findings about the bikebike software, and our next steps
- resolving email issues
- url problem, found resolution, but haven't applied to live, yet
- review conference management platforms & select one
- reconsider bikebike software / reasons why
- discuss best practices in regards to recorded content
- how to avoid losing content
- proper recording etiquette (speaker view vs gallery view)
- review anything that came up at the Mexico City meeting
- discuss current state of the wiki / correct theme through real-time agile collaboration at end of meeting
- theme coloring
- logo size
- red outline on logo
- multilingual security questions?
- B!B!E! planning meeting - Thursday, January 20 @ 5:30pm Pacific Time
- Review volunteer roles and associate names with roles
- Decide cut-off date for deciding whether to do B!B!E!22 in November
- Work Party - Fill out the OCF page - Friday, January 21@1:30pm Pacific Time
Meeting Minutes
December 2021
November 2021