A helmet is a form of protective gear worn on the head.
Proper Helmet Fit
Eyes, Ears, Mouth Test
When you first put your helmet on it should be snug & level
- Eyes – when you look up with your eyes you should always be able to see the brim of your helmet
- Ears – go between the ‘Y’ shape strap, buckles under ear lobes
- Mouth – when you open your mouth to yawn, you should feel pressure on top of your head
2 Finger Rule
Put 2 fingers from you brow to the brim of the helmet and 2 fingers under the chin strap.
Helmet Donations
Department of Health
All states have a Department of Health and most of those have an Violence and Injury Prevention Program. As is typical of most government agencies, if they don't use budgeted money -- they lose it. So several times a year they are looking to spend money on something and distributing helmets is one of them.
Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute
The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute maintains a list of inexpensive bicycle helmet providers.
Educational Resources
Ride Smart. It’s Time to Start - Bicycle (Video)
This funky, fast-paced video uses humor, real-life examples, computer graphics, and a peer-to-peer approach to teach middle and high school youth about how wearing a bicycle helmet can protect them from serious injuries (including brain injuries) and death. The 9-minute (approx) video features a diverse group of teens and pre-teens modeling the newest, coolest looks in helmets, and includes the entertaining, yet instructional “raw egg drop” demonstration. The video also explains how to correctly fit and position a bicycle helmet and select a helmet that meets Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) standards. It also discusses key rules of the road. The video’s target audience is middle school age children (grades 5-9) and can be used by parents, youth groups, medical personnel, traffic safety organizations, educators, and injury prevention groups. This video was released in March 2002 and is the first in a series of two videos. (DOT HS 809 397).
To order a copy of the video, FAX your request to 301 386-2194.
Cascos (m)