Bike!Bike! Everywhere! Volunteer Roles
<translate> How do I volunteer? Contact and/or attend a meeting.
NOTE: All roles are ideally small groups or "committees". All roles need more people.
<translate> Eternal Roles that Never End</translate>
<translate> Maintain the tech infrastructure</translate> (Darin, Étienne, Ifny, Cweth, Jonathan, Angel)
- <translate> Previously</translate>: Godwin, Darin, Étienne, Angel, Jonathan
- videoconferencing platform
- text chat platform
-, especially the wiki
- mailing lists hosted at (thinktank and bikebike-everywhere)
<translate> Schedule meetings</translate> ( )
- <translate> Previously</translate>: Angel, Darin
- Plan meetings and make sure they keep happening
- Could also suggest ways to facilitate the meetings
- Setting the event dates and dress rehearsal dates
- Update Meetings page on this wiki
Volunteer Coordination (Nat, )
- Previously: Angel, Darin, Étienne
- Assign people to things
- Follow up - are people still doing what they signed up to do. Do they need help? Find replacements if needed.
- Get people's addresses or info for thank you
Answer Emails (Angel, )
- Previously: Angel
- Respond to obvious questions
- Directly ping somebody else who could answer if not
- Keep an eye on registrations in case people have notes/questions that we need to answer
Secretary ( )
- Take notes during meetings
- Collectively agree to collectively take minutes at every gathering
- Add link to the meeting minutes on the page on this wiki
Before the Event
Coordinate Workshops ( )
- Previously: Angel, Darin
- Communicate with faciliators (what are their needs? what do we need from them? what do they need to know?)
- Plan workshop schedule (see writeup at )
Write Announcements ( )
- Previously: Angel, Darin, Étienne
- Write announcements, send them out for review/editing
- Send emails to the right lists
- Post to website, wiki, opencollective, etc.
- Get announcements translated
- Find volunteers
- Share information with social media person/s
Social Media (Nat, )
- Figure out how/when/where to do communication on social media
- Share information that comes from announcement person/s
- Find volunteers
Translation & Interpretation (Nat, )
- Previously: Nat, angé, Tigre, yajaira, Francisco, and others
- Translate written materials + announcements for distribution
- Interpret at meetings if needed
- Depending on availability of funds, translators and interpreters may be paid
Translation & Interpretation / Language Justice (Nat, )
- Previously: angé, Nat,
- Recruit translators & interpreters
- Maintain interpretation schedules & translation to-do lists
- Coordinating with translators & interpreters (sample spreadsheets for translation & interpretation)
- Ensuring the planning is actually being mindful of LJ practices
- Being on everyone's case at the dress rehersal
- Making sure the announcement person and technical planners have access to and the means to translate materials
Technical Planning (Darin, Angel, Ifny, Cweth, Jonathan, Étienne, Angel)
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Angel, angé
- Deciding on important criteria in which to use in decision making, e.g. ease-of-use, language justice + accessibility, FLOSS
- Comparing and selecting tech platforms for various tasks
- Deciding how to use the platforms (e.g. 1-channel per workshop + webinar chat, disabling group chat, etc.)
Tech Support ( )
- Learn how to support the event
- Testing access to systems
- Trying out the platforms on various devices
Finance (Angel, Nat, Étienne, Darin, )
- Previously: angé, Angel, Momoko
- keep an eye on donations & budget
- request & approve invoices as needed
- liase with OpenCollective if we need cash disbursements or other special stuff
Fundraising & Outreach ( )
- Get donations of in-kind software and other things we might use
- Get donations of money
- orgs
- individuals
- attendees
- Send out outreach requests to big orgs, federated bike collectives
Graphic design ( )
Previously: Angel, Étienne
- Make cool posters
- Make things for social media
- Make graphics to excite your friends
- Make more bike emoji [yesssssss]
Digital Archiving ( )
- Previously: Darin, Angel
- Be in charge of the recordings (some notes on how we did recordings in 2021)
- Be in charge of linking records to each session and making a wonderful paper trail for future generations
Excited Newb ( )
- Previously: All of us!
- Come to any and all meetings
- Learn how to do anything
- See a place that might be a good fit but you're feeling daunted? Every role has an "apprentice"!
- Do anything!
Ombuds/Mediator ( )
- On call to help people process & resolve stuff as needed prior to or during the event
During the Event
"Techies" ( )
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Ifny, Carrie, Patti, Christine, Robin, Angel
- Help get folx using the platforms and troubleshoot before/during/after sessions
- Make sure sessions are being recorded
- Uploading recordings after the sessions
Workshop hosts ( )
- Host + facilitate the workshop, not necessarily give a presentation
- Slow down everyone because we all speak too fast
- Remind people to introduce themselves
- Everything else here:
Interpreters ( )
Previously: angé, Nat, Tigre, machete, Eli
- Simultaneous interpretation during workshops
- Last-minute translations
- Depending on availability of funds, translators and interpreters may be paid
People who put out fires ( )
- Previously: Darin, Étienne, Angel, Ifny
- be on hand to help resolve technical issues, scheduling problems, and anything else that goes wrong during the event
After the Event
Digital Archiving ( )
- Previously: Darin, Angel
- Be in charge of the recordings (some notes on how we did recordings in 2021)
- Be in charge of linking records to each session and making a wonderful paper trail for future generations
Followup announcements & exit survey ( )
- Previously: Angel
- send one or more emails (here's how it went, links to digital archives, volunteer for next time)
- create and distribute an exit survey (what did you like? what would you change? etc.)
Write and mail out thank you notes ( )
One-off Tasks
Consolidate Email lists for announcements ( )
- there are a bunch of lists of people who have been to Bike!Bike! in the past, people who want to attend in the future, community bike organizations, etc.; it would be helpful to combine them all in one place (more or less)